Lee's Summit Animal Hospital

Large Animal Services
Our veterinarians make farm calls for horses and livestock animals in Lee’s Summit and the surrounding area. Equine and small ruminant patients are also seen at the in-hospital large animal Facilities. Our veterinarians have extensive experience in equine practice and are available for all of your horse’s needs. Lee’s Summit Animal Hospital has a rich history in the animal agriculture sector of Lee’s Summit. Our veterinarians work closely with livestock producers to keep their herds healthy and productive. Our veterinarians offer services for all livestock breeds including cattle, goats, pigs, llamas and alpacas.

Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody
Lee’s Summit Animal Hospital not only has outstanding technicians, client service representatives, kennel technicians and doctors, we also offer the latest and newest technology and treatment for our patients. One of our most recent advances in medicine is our treatment for Parvovirus in dogs. We have the Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody on board that is used to treat puppies that have contracted the disease. Often times, Parvovirus is fatal to puppies and this new treatment has proven to be successful in helping the patient recover from the virus. It is the first and only USDA conditionally approved one dose treatment for dogs.

We also offer treatment for mast cell tumors with a new drug called Stelfonta. This drug has also proved to be effective to treat mast cell tumors of the skin. This is an option to discuss with the doctor to decide if it is an appropriate option for treatment. Many of our canine patients also present with a condition called pancreatitis. Panoquell-CA1 is another FDA conditionally approved medication for these patients. Many of these patients take several days to recover and are quite painful with the condition. This medication has proven to reduce inflammation of the pancreas and speed recovery.

Librela for Osteoarthritis
We have a new and exciting product to help our feline and canine friends with osteoarthritis! If your dog is one of those who has trouble getting up or limps with pain, please ask us about Librela. Librela is a once-a-month injection for arthritis pain. The injection for cats is called Solensia and works in the same way Liberla does in dogs. If your pet is currently on daily medications for arthritis pain, please schedule an appointment to talk to your veterinarian about this new product.
Client Reviews & Testimonials
Our staff at Lee's Summit Animal Hospital values feedback from our clients. Here is just a small sample of the hundreds of happy and healthy pets that we have cared for since 1942.